10 More Sneaky Film End Credits Messages You Probably Missed

7. Ominous Foreshadowing - Star Wars: The Phantom Menace

Revenge Of The Sith Darth Vader

Some people would bemoan the very idea of sitting all the way through the first Star Wars prequel, but once you've watched it a few times the Jar Jar Binks pain very much fades into the background, like the dull, weirdly comforting hangover of a kick to the genitals.

If you did manage to sit all the way through it, there was a lovely little nod to the future of Anakin Skywalker as Darth Vader's iconic heavy breathing can be heard playing over the very end of the credits. Years later, the same trick would be used to sell some of the Rogue One trailers rather brilliantly.

You can watch the video here.


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