10 More Star Wars Changes George Lucas Made That Were Completely Justified

9. Anakin's Removed Eyebrows - Return Of The Jedi

Star Wars Return Of The Jedi Vader

When the original trilogy was released on DVD in 2004, Lucas decided to give Sebastian Shaw a digital shave for the scene where he portrays a dying, unmasked Anakin Skywalker in Return of the Jedi.

In the original version of the scene, Anakin has big bushy eyebrows, yet given that we see Anakin get horribly burned beyond recognition in Revenge of the Sith, it just makes no sense for him to still have eyebrows.

And so, some seamless CGI hair removal made Anakin's appearance more consistent with his fate in the prequels. While very far from a "necessary" change, from a continuity perspective it's absolutely reasonable and about as non-sacrilegious as Lucas' digital changes get.

But because Lucas couldn't simply stop there, he did also make some subtler changes to Anakin's appearance in this sequence, namely changing his skin colour to a more ashen shade, and tinting his eyes blue to match Hayden Christensen's in the prequels.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.