10 More Star Wars Changes George Lucas Made That Were Completely Justified

7. Removing English Text From The Death Star's Tractor Beam - A New Hope

Star Wars Return Of The Jedi Vader

Back when A New Hope was in production, Lucas hadn't yet settled on any consistent in-universe written languages, and so when Obi-Wan (Alec Guinness) deactivates the tractor beam on the Death Star, its information gauge is initially very clearly in English.

But in Return of the Jedi, Lucas introduced Aurebesh-like text which eventually graduated into a full-on, detailed writing system in later Star Wars media, and so for A New Hope's 2004 DVD release, he decided to alter the tractor beam's gauge from English to Aurebesh.

Again, this is hardly a change that any fan desperately needed to see, but it's one that nevertheless makes the world feel more internally consistent in a small but noticeable way.

Today seeing written English in a Star Wars movie sticks out like a sore thumb, so Lucas was smart to phase it out as much as possible in favour of the now-firmly established Aurebesh.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.