10 More Star Wars Changes George Lucas Made That Were Completely Justified

4. The New Sandcrawler Shot - A New Hope

Star Wars Return Of The Jedi Vader

Here's a change that's so much more visually interesting that there shouldn't be any dissent about it whatsoever. And more to the point, it didn't involve Lucas using garish CGI to tinker with existing footage.

In A New Hope's original release, the shot of the Jawa sandcrawler coming over the rise on Tatooine looks rather flat and boring to say the least - a distant shot framed without much in the way of compelling motivation.

And so for the 1997 Special Edition, Lucas decided to replace the shot with a better one, but rather than use CGI to recreate the sandcrawler, he had special effects artist Lorne Peterson - who worked on A New Hope - return to help shoot a new shot.

Moreover, Peterson was able to use the original sandcrawler prop to reshoot the shot, which gets much closer to the sandcrawler and allows the audience to see far more of its articulation, while also being framed in a more generally appealing way.

This new shot blends in extremely seamlessly with the footage shot 20 years prior, and is about as close to being an objectively superior change as Lucas has ever made.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.