10 More Star Wars Fan Theories That Became Fact

1. Kelleran Beq Hid Grogu After Order 66

Darth Plagueis
Disney Platform Distribution

For a while there, every Star Wars fan on the damn planet had their own intriguing opinion about who actually saved little Grogu from being killed during Order 66.

Some felt that it just had to be a Mace Windu who definitely did not die during Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (just ask Samuel L. Jackson). Others predicted that everyone from Barriss Offee to Quinlan Vos helped get Baby Yoda to safety.

And then there was this one fan on Twitter/X back in December 2020 who ridiculously suggested that a character played by the bloke who also portrayed Jar Jar Binks was the person who really hid Grogu from the Empire.

Fast forward two and a bit years, however, and this fun little theory about Ahmed Best's Jedi Master Kelleran Beq - the guy who supervised younglings and guided them through challenges in the Star Wars: Jedi Temple Challenge kids game show - being the heroic Jedi who rescued Grogu from the clones on Coruscant only went and became a Star Wars fact!

That reveal finally went down in The Mandalorian's third season in March 2023 as @keldorjedii's bold theory remarkably became a compelling part of franchise history during Chapter 20: The Foundling.

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