10 More Star Wars Fan Theories That Became Fact
8. The Title Of Episode IX And Palpatine's Return
Now, here's a spooky one.
While the prior two entries have focused on those theories that clever fans landed on after joining the dots found in promotional material or social media, this one actually seems like a real-life case of the Force guiding an individual towards the truth.
You see, a whole seven years before Ian McDiarmid's Emperor made his divisive return in Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker, one fan sent out a ridiculously prophetic post on Twitter/X.
Said post - tweeted just a month after Disney announced they would be making new Star Wars movies in the wake of purchasing Lucasfilm Ltd in October 2012 - contained not only a comment stating they felt Palps would be making a comeback at some point in the sequel trilogy, but a now rather familiar title.
Star Wars Episode 7 The Rise of Skywalker. The Emperor lives.
— Gabriel Garcia (@GabbyG41) November 22, 2012
The Episode Gabriel Garcia was speculating about may have been two movies early. But after reading the rest of that post, which contained what would eventually become the Episode IX title of "The Rise of Skywalker", you'd be forgiven for thinking this person had seen the future in a portal within the World Between Worlds.
@GabbyG41 would then comically later add that their theory also consisted of Palpatine being rescued by Imperial guards before they then healed him with "General Grievous parts."
A cyborg Emperor may not have come to pass, but a lot of this theory surprisingly aged like a fine wine.