10 More Star Wars Fan Theories That Became Fact

4. Rex Is Nik Sant (Well, Sort Of...)

Darth Plagueis

Becoming a rather adored member of the galaxy far, far away during his time in both Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Rebels, Captain Rex (voiced by Dee Bradley Baker) would eventually find himself at the centre of a seriously fascinating fan theory.

Thanks to the rather glorious big white beard Rex eventually grows during his later years in that latter series, a decent section of the Star Wars fanbase began wondering whether one particular Rebel in Episode VI - Return of the Jedi was actually secretly the Clone icon all along.

Said freedom fighter went by the name of Nik Sant, and looked just like Rex during his time in the Rebels show which eventually leads into the original trilogy. Add in the fact that Rebels creator Dave Filoni himself strongly felt the former 501st man was the "bearded old guy on Endor" (via SlashFilm), and you have a fan theory that was pretty much destined to be made official at some point.

However, rather than fully committing to this being canon, Filoni, wanting to let the fans decide for themselves if Rex was Sant or not, instead just decided to leave the show "in a state where you could believe one way or the other" (via IGN).

So, if you want to believe this Rebels/Rex theory is a Star Wars fact, then you're well within your rights.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...