10 More Star Wars Scenes Even More Impressive When You Know The Truth

6. The Darth Vader Suit Was Intentionally Uncomfortable - Revenge Of The Sith

Mando Pascal

The scene in Revenge of the Sith where Anakin Skywalker first dons the famous black helmet might be more famous for its French dub, but it is the canonically first glimpse we get of Darth Vader.

After Obi-Wan used the "high ground" to leave Anakin for dead on Mustafar, Palpatine rescues his new apprentice and shoves his charred remains inside a big Hallowe'en costume.

Said costume might look impressive on screen, but for actor Hayden Christensen, it was the stuff of nightmares.

In his infinite wisdom, Lucas made the Vader suit intentionally top heavy. This was done so that Christensen wouldn't feel comfortable in the suit, which would reflect Vader's adjustment period to his new exo-skeleton.

A good idea from an artistic point of view, but practically this was not the smartest decision.

Poor Hayden must have hated trying to wobble around in a deliberately wonky costume on a dark set. No wonder Vader only gets up and walks around for a little bit in Revenge of the Sith - Christensen must have been exhausted!

At least Lucas didn't try and take him back to Tunisia for this scene. That would have been the icing on the cake.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.