10 More Star Wars Scenes Even More Impressive When You Know The Truth

2. Pedro Pascal Injured His Faceā€¦ Right Before His Face Reveal - The Mandalorian

Mando Pascal

The reveal of Din Djarin's face in The Mandalorian is one of the biggest set pieces of the entire show.

They did it way more often than they should have - i.e. more than once - but it was still a cool moment to catch a glimpse of the visage hiding beneath that chromed helmet.

The first (and what should have been the only) time we see Mando's face is during the eighth episode of season 1, when the droid IG-11 removes his helmet to tend to his wounds. In a case of art mirroring life, actor Pedro Pascal had hurt himself for real right before this scene was filmed.

The star himself said "I stepped out of the makeup trailer looking at my sides and walked into a piece of plywood." This faux pas cut open the bridge of his nose and required seven stitches. All this happened before they had filmed his big helmet removal scene.

Either the crew found a way to shoot around the injury or it had healed up by the time they actually finished the scene. It would have embarrassing to film a scene where an already stitched-up Mando gets "treatment" for his "injuries".

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.