10 More Times Star Wars Filmed Things You Weren't Meant To See

1. Mark Hamill's "Force Kick" - Episode VI: Return Of The Jedi

Star Wars Return of the Jedi Luke Skywalker Force Kick

Returning to that dramatic opening stretch of Return of the Jedi now, and to a moment that goes down in the middle of all of the aforementioned Lando Calrissian glove-vanishing nonsense.

As Luke Skywalker fends off various villainous souls with his new green lightsaber, the son of 'The Chosen One' unleashes a kick so powerful, it knocks one of Jabba's pals off the sail barge without even connecting with his skull!

In the years that would follow this evidently botched piece of choreography/camera positioning, fans would joke that this was simply the Jedi Knight dishing out a rather effective "Force kick" in the moment. And even Mark Hamill himself got in on the fun, responding to a fan on Twitter recently by asking "How could anyone possibly be bothered by my widely celebrated, perfectly executed Force-Kick?!"

Make no bones about it, though, this was certainly a mistake. And one that George Lucas and Richard Marquand likely hoped you'd be too busy watching Boba Fett's jetpack malfunctioning in the background to care about.

And while fans definitely weren't supposed to notice this mid-rescue flaw back when the flick first aired all those years ago, that still didn't stop them from finding a cheeky way to incorporate this gaffe into the epic story being told on-screen.

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