10 More Times Star Wars Filmed Things You Weren't Meant To See

5. A Console Briefly Gets Knocked Out Of Place By An Extra - Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back

Star Wars Return of the Jedi Luke Skywalker Force Kick

Space can be an unpredictable place, and you never know when you're going to suddenly have to perform some quick evasive manoeuvres on your travels.

In the middle of an attempt to keep from colliding with another incoming Star Destroyer during The Empire Strikes Back, the crew on one particular Imperial cruiser learned this the hard way.

But along with various Imperial officers suddenly being uprooted by their ship's jolting movements, it turns out that part of the Star Destroyer itself couldn't handle this swift change of direction.

Look closely at the operations bay not long after the order of "Take evasive action!" is given.

As one hapless Imperial extra goes crashing down to the floor, they accidentally collide with a control console which hilariously moves out of place. Likely hoping no one caught this mid-scene mishap, the extra then hops back up and helps move this anything-but-fixed box back into place.

With so many officers being sent flying, most understandably missed this immersion-shattering accident amidst the madness. But that's undoubtedly a rather hollow prop being tapped away on in the moment, and seeing a poor background artist unintentionally reveal that thanks to their unfortunate bump will never not be amusing.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...