10 More Times Star Wars Filmed Things You Weren't Meant To See

3. Chewbacca's Mouth Opens A Little Too Wide - Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back

Star Wars Return of the Jedi Luke Skywalker Force Kick

The mighty Chewbacca can be seen and heard doing an awful lot of roaring throughout the Original Trilogy.

However, there was actually a moment during the events of Episode V when the towering Wookiee got a little too overzealous with his growls.

When Han Solo reconnects with his fellow scoundrel Lando Calrissian on Bespin, Chewie responds to the latter with a typical howl. But on this occasion, the way the mountain of fur roars reveals a bit too much about what goes into the creation of such a loveable alien sidekick.

The mouth section of the Chewie costume appears to bend in a way that shows off some strange little holes within it, perhaps used to allow Peter Mayhew to breath within the massive get-up. And if that wasn't bizarre enough, this brief over-exuberant roar also makes it rather difficult to explain how a wookiee actually, you know, swallows their verkle, with there being no sign of a throat of any kind here.

Perhaps this is simply a part of the complex wookiee anatomy we humans are still yet to fully understand.

But it's more likely that the Chewbacca suit was never designed to open its mouth quite as wide as it did when conversing with good ol' Lando on Cloud City, and the visual effects team were just hoping you wouldn't spot this rather surreal mouth moment.

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