10 More Trippy Freak Out Film Scenes That Will Melt Your Mind

8. Madagascar

alexlion Proving that even a family-friendly Dreamworks film isn't safe from psychedelics, 2005's Madagascar boasts the rather surprising sight of a lion tripping off a tranquilizer dart. And, in doing so, finally solves the question that has troubled zoologists for centuries: what do animals see when they're high? Well, if Alex (voiced by Ben Stiller) is anything to go by, they have a fondness for kaleidoscopic sequences backed by Sammy Davis Jr's cover of 'The Candy Man'. Soon he's seeing stars, circles - and the spots from his giraffe pal Melman suddenly take shape of the New York skyline. Thankfully, and before you're forced into an awkward conversation with your children about just why the silly lion keeps falling over, he regains consciousness. Albeit before a TV camera crew, where a waiting member of Animal Control panics and shoots him again; sending him, once more, insane in the mane-brain (sorry).
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Yorkshireman (hence the surname). Often spotted sacrificing sleep and sanity for the annual Leeds International Film Festival. For a sample of (fairly) recent film reviews, please visit whatsnottoblog.wordpress.com.