10 More Unused Star Wars Scenes That Would Have Changed Everything

3. Force Ghost Qui-Gon Speaking To Yoda In The Films - Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge Of The Sith

Star Wars Return of the Jedi Blue Lightsaber

Those who have experienced the gift that is the Clone Wars animated series will know that Master Yoda ultimately learns how to return from the grave as a Force Spirit after communicating with the spirit of Qui-Gon Jinn and passing a number of important tests.

But there was once a scene that would have occurred towards the end of Revenge of the Sith that could have resulted in that aforementioned Clone Wars arc, one that went down before the events of Episode III, likely never needing to become an animated thing.

As Yoda meditated on a secret astroid after battling with Darth Sidious, Qui-Gon's voice would have been heard telling the Jedi Master of the training he was set to give him that would help him "merge with the Force at will."

From here, Yoda would have likely begun learning the secret of immortality at the same time as Obi-Wan Kenobi rather than having a head start, with the little green legend obviously then telling Qui-Gon's old apprentice about Jinn's training in the finished film.

Now sure, it certainly would have been awesome to hear Liam Neeson's unmistakable voice one more time in the prequels. 

But when given the option of having this impactful Qui-Gon/Yoda moment play out over one small scene or over the course of a wonderful three-episode animated arc instead, it's safe to say very few would opt for the former.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...