10 More Upcoming Movie Remakes Nobody Wants
7. The Mummy

Remaking a popular movie comes with all sorts of pitfalls, and arguably one of the biggest is that it automatically has to step out of the shadow of something great - be different enough for there to be a reason to do it, but not so different that it loses all sense of what made the original so popular in the first place.
In 2017, when Universal tried to launch its Dark Universe populated by the likes of Dracula and Frankenstein, The Mummy failed dreadfully. So dreadfully in fact, that there was never even a second entry in the franchise, as the Dark Universe ended then and there.
With the announcement that yet another Mummy remake is in the works, Lee Cronin's film has the unenviable task of having to follow not only an incredibly popular movie, but also a shambles of one too. Even if there was a smattering of interest in a Mummy reboot seven years ago, there certainly isn't now.
Blumhouse and Cronin, director of Evil Dead Rise, may yet produce a fantastic take on the subject, but even if they do, does anyone care at this point? Tom Cruise and Russell Crowe failed, maybe this one is best left alone for a while.