10 More Worst CGI Moments In Star Wars

Dodgy de-ageing, cartoonish creatures and other dreadful CGI in Star Wars.

Attack of the Clones Arena Battle Bad

Computer-generated imagery has been a useful and exciting tool within the filmmaking industry for decades, with groundbreaking movies like Tron, Jurassic Park, and Terminator 2: Judgment Day all brilliantly showing what it was capable of before every new blockbuster in town started to play around with it.

One particular creator who swiftly fell in love with all things CGI was George Lucas - something that was abundantly clear when he decided to go back and remaster his much-loved original Star Wars trilogy in the '90s once the technology had improved.

The end results were mixed, let's say.

The same could be said for Lucas' use of the game-changing digital tool when boldly crafting his prequel films, too.

For every jaw-dropping opening space battle scene over Coruscant gorgeously created via CGI, there were dodgy pear-floating antics and some quite unsettling soldiers.

Some of the more recent Disney offerings have also contained their fair share of quite jarring CGI moments as the House of Mouse attempted to bring stuff like fascinating new de-ageing technology to both the big and small screen. 

The Star Wars franchise will always be one that looks to push the limits of what is possible with moviemaking technology, but, as already shown in the previous version of this list, relying on this tool in some situations has occasionally led to quite dreadful visuals.

10. A Lot During The Arena Battle - Episode II - Attack Of The Clones

Attack of the Clones Arena Battle Bad

George Lucas evidently wanted to test what CGI was capable of when creating this second prequel, opting to rely on it even more than he did in Episode I - The Phantom Menace. But it was that gamble which ultimately resulted in some of the film's visuals ageing like a pint of blue milk.

The climactic battle within the Petranaki arena is a prime example of Lucas perhaps getting a little too carried away with his new favourite toy.

With so many moving digital parts to keep track of as the Jedi start slicing their way through droids, creatures sprint around the sand, and a bounty hunter tries to pick off a few targets, a number of poorly executed CGI moments derail the otherwise thrilling sequence.

You have the sight of a number of extras hilariously swiping their lightsabers at nothing in the background as the VFX team likely hoped no one would notice a lack of droid or blaster shot, the comically weightless Geonosians, and Jango Fett looking like a video game character as he dodged the reek. 

Also, try not to let out a giggle at the jarring composite of Padme atop a cartoonish beast as she picks up her beloved Anakin mid-fight.

There's obviously a lot to love about this part of the gripping skirmish, too, with close-ups of the aforementioned reek and many a droid standing the test of time. But this ambitious Battle of Geonosis is still a scene that highlights the very worst of the prequels.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...