10 More Worst CGI Moments In Star Wars

8. Here Come The Rathtars - Episode VII - The Force Awakens

Attack of the Clones Arena Battle Bad

Fans rejoiced as the early stages of J. J. Abrams' first sequel picture, Episode VII - The Force Awakens, looked to be embracing the more practical side of special effects - just like the good ol' days.

Along with a ton of beautifully crafted alien inhabitants on the desert world of Jakku, real, practical sets were masterfully combined with certain digital elements to create a galaxy that felt far more tangible than the prequels often did.

Then they arrived.

After Finn and Rey bump into Han Solo and Chewbacca, it's soon revealed that the latter duo had been hauling rathtars across the galaxy. Instead of unleashing a terrifying tentacled creature controlled by talented puppeteers, however, Abrams opted to just lazily have our heroes chased by some rolling balls of crap, rubbery and blurry fury.

They're not the absolute worst CGI monsters ever to try and chow down on one of our heroes, sure. But the many-eyed carnivore still felt like something ripped out of another franchise (you could definitely see this guy in the MCU, for example) and cheaply dropped into this Skywalker Saga tale. 

This return to far less compelling CGI aliens after seeing some wonderful practical creations in the opening stages (like the happabore) was also a major reason this first action sequence involving Chewie and Han in decades felt like a bit of a let-down in the end.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...