10 More 'WTF Did I Just Pay To See' Horror Movies

8. Splice

Men 2022 Movie Rory Kinnear
Warner Bros.

Frankenstein's profound themes surrounding the human condition have allowed Mary Shelley's work to stay relevant for over two centuries, inspiring countless sci-fi horror stories. However, Splice is definitely one of the strangest films inspired by the iconic novel.

The story centres around a pair of romantically involved geneticists, Clive and Elsa, who created a new lifeform called Dren by manipulating human DNA. But as Dren's primal urges develop, Clive and Elsa realise they're unable to control her.

Even though the concept is disturbing in itself, the movie's content is more unnerving than anyone could've anticipated.

Firstly, Elsa uses her own cells to create Dren, without Clive's consent. As Dren reaches adolescence, Clive has sex with the unique organism, despite raising her like a stepdaughter since her birth. When Dren misbehaves, Elsa slices off her tail and uses its DNA to further her work. Although Dren is supposed to be a monster, it's clear her so-called parents have a dark side.

With that said, Dren is no angel. During the final confrontation, the hostile mutant murders several people before raping and impregnating Elsa. This means Elsa is carrying the baby of a hybrid human cloned from her own DNA. Try and make sense of that.

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