10 Most Annoying Characters In Batman Movies

7. Batgirl (Batman And Robin)

Barbara Wilson kind of feels like a third wheel. As Alfred€™s niece, she€™s an outsider to Wayne Manor and despite Bruce trusting her to an extent, he€™s not about to immediately divulge all of his secrets. Unfortunately, Bruce has that decision made for him when Alfred nearly dies and passes along all of their Bat-secrets. Gone was the independent Batgirl, operating opposite her oblivious father, Jim Gordon. She€™s replaced with a rebellious loner who completely distrusts Bruce Wayne and believes that he€™s mistreating her uncle. It€™s infuriating to watch her, knowing the whole time just how wrong she is about everything. This character€™s on-screen persona was only tainted further by the goings on in real life. The press hounded actress Alicia Silverstone for a perceived weight gain during the film and the controversy and attention led to her part being cut down significantly. This might explain the lack of proper development and a more well-rounded personality. But regardless of the reasons why, the Batgirl we saw did not match the Batgirl we wanted.

Connor loves movies, comics, and TV, and is trying to write for people who feel the same way. When he's not sitting on the couch with his laptop, you might find him lying in his bed with his laptop.