10 Most Annoying Movie Characters EVER

7. Sheriff J.W. Pepper - James Bond

The Fifth Element Chris Tucker

Live and Let Die is a generally solid first outing as 007 for Roger Moore, albeit one sullied by the brief-but-maddening presence of Sheriff J.W. Pepper (Clifton James).

Pepper is a boorish Louisiana sheriff who isn't just a perfunctory obstacle for James Bond, but also happens to be a racist idiot for good measure. Pepper is basically a lazy southern stereotype who speaks every dim-witted thought in his head aloud for our "benefit."

And while it at least seemed like he would be a merciful one-off character, Pepper ultimately returned in the next movie, The Man with the Golden Gun, inexplicably holidaying in Thailand with his wife just as 007 passes through the area and makes his life hell once again.

Pepper even gets included in the movie's most iconic stunt - the incredible vehicular corkscrew flip - and in turn actively makes it less-enjoyable through his sheer repellent aura.

Pepper certainly has his defenders among the Bond fandom, but casts a groan-inducing shadow every damn second he appears on-screen.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.