10 Most Annoying Tiny Inconsistencies In Star Wars

5. Boba Fett Being Killed Off Too Easily

star wars plo koon death revenge of the sith
20th Century Fox

From the second he initially arrived on the Star Wars scene during the events of The Empire Strikes Back, fans the world over were instantly captivated by the Beskar-sporting badass that was the infamous bounty hunter Boba Fett.

And over the years, the character's stock would only rise with the addition of many a comic book and animated/live-action series, with it soon becoming clear that Fett sat as arguably the galaxy's greatest mercenary for a time.

The nature of his controversial and once-assumed death in Return of the Jedi, though, suggested he was anything but, it must be said.

Being taken out of the action on the back of Han Solo accidentally catching him off-guard and whacking his jet pack to the point of instant malfunction, the son of Jango went from intimidating and cold-blooded killer to slapstick fool in a matter of seconds as he splatted against Jabba's sail barge on-route to becoming sarlacc dinner.

Luckily the character found himself wiggling out of this supposed end down the road and set about rehabilitating his image on the small-screen in the process. But there's still no questioning how out of character such a laughable demise was for this otherwise hyper-aware killing machine.

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