10 Most Bad-Ass Batman Movie Moments

4. The Extraction - The Dark Knight

The Dark Knight Chinese Accountant
Warner Bros.

Bringing cowardly Chinese money launderer Lau to justice offered Christopher Nolan the chance to make a James Bond sequence in the middle of a Batman movie. It also offers the first real opportunity for any Batman film-maker to marry the two sides of the character for an action sequence: showing the combination of Batman's guile and physicality and Bruce Wayne's resources.

The heist is the culmination of a brilliantly tight plan, with Alfred and Lucius both employed in supporting roles and committed one of those instantly essential Batman movie images, in the sight of the Dark Knight swooping down on Lau's building. And from there it's pure Bond: with tactical explosions, devastating, swift violence and lip-curling heroism - which makes the case for Nolan to handle a 007 movie all the more pressing.

It might arguably have been even better if we'd got to see Lau burn later at the hands of the Joker, but even without that added payoff it's a hell of a sequence.

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