10 Most Bizarre Items To Be Possessed In Horror Movies

5. Deddo Sushi - Possessed Sushi

Slaxx horror movie
Walker Pictures

The focal point of Deddo Sushi - marketed internationally as Dead Sushi - is some killer sushi that bites back.

There is a little more to it, mind, as Rina Takeda's Keiko is positioned as the lead of this strange tale. With her father viewed as a legendary sushi chef, Kieko takes it hard when she fails to match up to the impressive standards set by her old man. After failing as a sushi chef and struggling to master her martial arts, our central character opts to run away and start a new life as a hotel waitress.

Nothing is ever that simple in the movies, of course, and Keiko soon finds herself having to battle demonic sushi.

Playing very much like a Troma feature - after all, this is from Noboru Iguchi, the same fella behind Zombie Ass: Toilet of the Dead - Deddo Sushi is never shy on the gore, forever keen to throw in an overly cheesy sound effect, and actually has some damn fine fight scenes dotted across its 91-minute run time.

The promotional campaign for Deddo Sushi promised sushi action, sushi erotica and sushi violence - and let's just say the film doesn't fail to deliver on that promise.

Senior Writer
Senior Writer

Chatterer of stuff, writer of this, host of that, Wrexham AFC fan.