10 Most Brutal Deaths In James Bond Films

3. Sandor - The Spy Who Loved Me


Bond displaying some clear and arguably needless brutality here. After fighting Sandor, your run if the mill henchman, Bond manages to leave him dangling from a roof holding on to only his tie. Convincing Sandor that he has a chance to live, Bond demands information which Sandor gives. Bond then simply breaks the henchman's grip on his tie, causing him to fall to his death.

Perhaps this isn't the most unreasonable thing for Bond to do as Sandor would probably waste no time killing him afterwards but Sandor was one of Stromberg's main henchmen and must surely have known a lot about his bosses evil plan to fire a couple of nuclear missiles. Sometimes, maybe it is best to take prisoners, even if you are James Bond.

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I'm a scriptwriting graduate and a keen writer. A huge Doctor Who fan, amongst other things. I'm a teacher, novelist and occasional DJ with many interests.