9 Most Compelling Theories About Upcoming Marvel Movies

4. Iron Man Will Be The Villain Of The New Spider-Man Film

Guardians Of the galaxy

Has there been a film in the MCU as shrouded in secrecy and subsequent hearsay than the upcoming third Spider-Man reboot? Bringing Peter Parker into the world of The Avengers, Guardians et al is an exciting prospect, even if a) he's a white teen boy again, and b) nobody can quite decide on how tied to the wider universe he'll be.

After all, he's just a kid, and more on the “street level” of the Netflix Daredevil series, which also had only minor connections to the movies of the MCU. Still, one popular theory that's been doing the rounds is that the film's working title is Spider-Man: The New Avenger, which has lead fans to pondering on how the wall crawler will join the team.

One particularly compelling idea is that Tony Stark will be the film's main “antagonist”, taking on the nascent teen superhero across the course of ninety minutes, only to reveal this extended tussle with Iron Man was actually an audition to see if he has the chops to become one of Earth's Mightiest Heroes.


Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/