10 Most Confusing Movie Endings People Don't Understand

2. Mulholland Drive

Mulholland Drive Naomi Watts

David Lynch's challenging surrealist masterpiece is one of the most intensely debated films of the last 20 years, and true to character, Lynch hasn't expressed much interest in clarifying things for his fans.

The bulk of the movie follows aspiring actress Betty (Naomi Watts) as she attempts to help amnesiac Rita (Laura Harring) figure out her identity following a brutal car accident.

Amid a fleet of fascinating and deeply unsettling subplots, Betty and Rita embark on a sexual relationship, before the opening of a mysterious blue box completely flips the script.

At this point the narrative shifts to Diane Selwyn (also played by Watts), the woman whose apartment Betty and Rita were investigating. Diane is a failed actress and deeply depressed after her affair with actress Camilla Rhodes (also played by Harring) came to an end.

The film concludes with Diane hiring a hitman to kill Camilla, and after she's notified the job is done - by way of receiving a blue key - she shoots herself.

The most common fan theory is that the Betty plot is merely the psychosis-induced dream of Diane, hence the likeness of Betty and Rita to herself and Camilla, not to mention the idealised version of her life as an on-the-rise actress.

But despite this being the most easily digestible explanation for Mulhollland Drive's twisty narrative, there are some who feel that it's also too straight-forward and literal a reading of the movie's overall narrative.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.