10 Most Confusing Scenes In MCU History

1. Cap's Ending - Avengers: Endgame

Avengers: Endgame Captain America Old Steve Rogers

When Bruce Banner bargained with The Ancient One for the Time Stone, he agreed to go back in time and put each stone back where they were picked up from by the respective Avengers. The logic of this was questionable at best anyway, given what Bruce had already said about not being able to change the future, but it would eventually lead to even more questions and confusion.

After Thanos was defeated, Steve Rogers was sent into the past with Mjolnir and the Infinity Stones to return them. Again, never mind how he traded the Soul Stone back to the Red Skull or inserted the Aether back into Jane Foster, the most confusing element of the scene was when he returned.

He didn’t come back through the portal as expected, instead he decided to live his life with Peggy in the past, and then meet up with Sam at the exact same time in the future. Had he just been waiting on that bench the entire time and no one had noticed him? And how did he even get back to this particular timeline?

Based on Banner’s time travel rules, Steve should have kickstarted a new timeline separate to the one he left when he went back, so how then was he able to return to the same timeline he had always been on as an old man? Of all the confusing moments in Endgame, this was arguably the worst.

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.