10 Most Convincing Performances Of One Actor Playing Twins

3. Bette Midler and Lily Tomlin in Big Business (1998)

the big business How many times did I sit down to watch this 80's comedy about two pairs of separated twins reuniting in the Big Apple with my mother on weekend afternoons? Enough to know, even at such an early age, that Midler and Tomlin absolutely nailed their performances. One sister is a country bumpkin, one is a big city hustler, and they all have their own little quirks and idiosyncrasies. "There's two of everyone in there!"

2. Timothy Hutton in The Dark Half (1993)

the dark half The great novels of Stephen King don't often make great movies. In fact, they often make terrible ones. The Dark Half is not a great movie--no matter how much I continue to wish it was!--but Timothy Hutton's portrayal of a novelist with migraines and a nasty-as-can-be killer born from those migraines is good, and sometimes even approaches greatness. The story was inspired by Stephen King and his nasty-as-can-be alter-ego Richard Bachman, but veers off into horrifying supernatural territory--as many King works often do--that strays mightily from its true-life source material. Or at least€I certainly hope so. Hutton is magnetic and highly watchable as both the struggling writer and his hellspawn pseudonym.
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Peter lives in Albuquerque with the three loves of his life: his lady, his cat, and his large library of books. When he's not acting on stage, on film, or writing on his laptop, he can generally be found on the porch with his nose buried in a book and a tall glass of whatever's cold in his hand.