10 Most Creative Murderers In Movie History

6. Dr. Phibes €“ The Abominable Dr. Phibes

Hell bent on exacting vengeance for the death of his wife, the insanely sinister and harrowingly flamboyant Dr. Phibes constructs the deaths of the nine doctors whom he has blamed. Being the theologist he is, he decides to use the ten plagues of Egypt as inspiration for his murdering €“ you know the ones; water into blood, locusts, and death of the first-born son, to name a few. The interesting thing about Dr. Phibes is that we never really know if he€™s the good guy in this story of cold-blooded revenge. We never find out exactly why the nine doctors are to blame for his wife€™s death, leaving us to ponder on whether or not the hero of the story is in fact a deranged killer with no understandable excuse for his murderous actions. That being said, whether a beacon of vigilante justice or a mad man obsessed with unfounded slaughter, there€™s no denying that Dr. Phibes€™s plague-based killing spree was nothing short of creative genius. Memorable creative murder: Face eating locusts. Enough said.

Alex is a screenwriter, playwright, and all around good guy. He loves to keep things concise, most of the time. Follow Alex on Twitter @alexdsut