10 Most Cringe-Worthy Vanity Projects In Movie History
7. Glitter
Madonna isn't the only hugely successful, hugely egotistical pop star to have attempted against all sense of decency to inflict herself on the silver screen - another notorious diva, Mariah Carey, also tried to break into Hollywood and branch out into acting. Comparing Glitter and Swept Away and trying to decide which one is the worse of the two is a little bit like trying to decide whether your murderer should kill you with a knife or a gun - neither option is in the least bit appealing.
It says something about Glitter that the only scenes in which Carey is any good are the ones in which she's singing. Some critics have argued that there's a case for Glitter belonging in the dubious "so bad it's good" category of cinema, and there are some pleasures to be had from fighting the cringing sensation each time the cast open their mouths, but unless you're up for a particularly masochistic viewing experience you should probably steer well clear.