10 Most Dangerous Bounty Hunters In Star Wars

8. IG-88

Black Krrsantan

If you have a bounty on you, the last thing you want is an IG unit chasing you down.

Manufactured by Holowan Laboratories, the IG-Series served a variety of purposes. The most infamous group of these droids was the series known as IG-88. They were five identical droids who killed everyone in the facility that built them upon activation and escaped.

IG-88B, commonly known to his targets as IG-88, is the one most fans at familiar with. After escaping his home facility with his brothers, IG-88 went on to become one of the most feared bounty hunters in the galaxy. That's why he was brought in by Darth Vader alongside the likes of Boba Fett and Bossk to hunt down the Millennium Falcon in The Empire Strikes Back.

IG-88's primary run was during the Galactic Civil War between the Empire and the Rebellion. He was viewed as an unstoppable force of nature, similar to IG-11 from The Mandalorian. But IG-88 was far more ruthless and cruel. Had he encountered Mando on the same job the way IG-11 did, he would have likely just blown him away.

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Ian Goodwillie is a freelance writer based out of Saskatoon, SK, Canada. He has a BA in English Literature from the University of Saskatchewan and completed the Writing Program at Vancouver Film School. More importantly, Ian is also a wrestling fan, comic book reader, video game player and photographer. He loves to write and writes about what he loves. Ian's also an unrepentant, unapologetic Cougar Town fan, a show he will defend until the day he dies.