10 Most Disappointing Endings In Movie History

6. Spider-Man 3

The Matrix Revolutions
Sony Pictures Releasing

Sam Raimi himself doesn’t like this film, because his vision was twisted by corporate meddling. It’s overcrowded with villains and painfully cringey at points, and coming right after one of the best superhero films ever made? It had a lot to live up to and it couldn’t deliver.

The ending is equally disappointing. There was so much happening in the film that it struggled to wrap up every loose end, and that’s not to even touch on the terrible handling of Harry Osborne’s death. After the Green Goblin’s son died to save Peter, the film seems to be ending on a mournful note at his funeral, but then cuts to Peter and Mary Jane dancing in a nightclub. Why didn’t they learn the lesson from the first awful dance sequence?

The tone shift is immense and undermines what was a powerful moment that was the last chance to redeem the movie. It was almost certainly the corporate interference that led to this ending, because everyone seems to love the Dreamworks dance party ending, right? It’s a disappointing end to a disappointing film, and even more so when Sony then proceeded to butcher Spider-Man in the Amazing films instead of making the promised Spider-Man 4.


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