10 Most Disgusting Horror Movie Injuries

7. Drilled Forehead, Boiled Brain - The Loved Ones

Cabin Fever Image Cover
Madman Films

It's quite possibly the implication of this injury that serves to be as effective as the little bit of it we get to see ourselves, since Lola only manages to crack open Brent's forehead with a drill before slipping up with the boiling water she was intending to pour in the hole. But my god, what we do see is more than enough to give you a long-term migraine just by thought alone.

The Loved Ones sees the aforementioned teenage Lola and her subservient father abduct Brent to make him experience their own version of prom, a punishment for politely turning down Lola due to planning the real deal with his girlfriend. Lola doesn't take kindly to not getting her way however, and claims anyone that doesn't want her as a victim in her long line of torturous kidnappings.

After carving her initials in his chest and throwing salt at him, pinning his feet to the floor, and injecting his voice box with bleach, however, she's had her fun. So she cracks out the power drill and goes to town on lobotomising the poor boy.

It's enough to simply hear this happening - but seeing the little plume of smoke come out of his face is a bit too real.

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Horror film junkie, burrito connoisseur, and serial cat stroker. WhatCulture's least favourite ginger.