10 Most Disgusting Horror Movie Injuries

4. Eye Slit - Un Chien Andalou

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A surrealist art film by director Luis Buñuel and artist Salvador Dalí, Un Chien Andalou isn't a conventional watch, and not necessarily a horror movie in that it feels undefinable as any type of film at all. Depicting strange images that illicit discomfort by matching between people, animals, and objects, the opening sequence that has gone down in history as one of the most shocking and unpleasant unexpected moments put to screen.

Beginning with a man sharpening his razor whilst looking out at the moon, we're then shown a woman held down as her eye is stretched open. As a cloud passes over the moon, so does the razor over an eyeball, with a lingering shot on the damage done to a real calf's eye left for all to see.

Squeamish or not, this is a particularly vile shot, put into a movie devoid of meaning or reasoning to intentionally confuse a watcher. Considering this short film was released in 1928, quite how they got away with this level of literal eye-watering horror is still a mystery.

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Horror film junkie, burrito connoisseur, and serial cat stroker. WhatCulture's least favourite ginger.