10 Most Disgusting Horror Movie Injuries

2. Flayed Alive - Martyrs

Cabin Fever Image Cover
Wild Bunch

Is it really a list of gross injuries without Martyrs making an appearance? This movie in an exercise in celebrating the most gnarly injuries one can suffer for the sake of pain as enlightenment, utilising torture porn and New French Extremity to blend up something that's as disgusting an experience one can get in a film preoccupied with pain as beauty. Sorry Hellraiser, but you've been pipped to the post on this one.

Of course, this is all to say that the end of Martyrs reveals the narrative's obsession with gore is one well spent. A secret philosophical society has long been testing their theories on 'martyrdom' in young women through inflicting excruciating pain on them, hoping that at the peak they will transcend this world and gain insight into the afterlife.

And the easiest way of dishing out the most torture one could possibly go through by this group? Why, by just flaying our main character alive in gruelling detail. Thanks for that.

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Horror film junkie, burrito connoisseur, and serial cat stroker. WhatCulture's least favourite ginger.