10 Most Dishonest Editing Cuts In Film History

7. The Movie Literally Rewinds Itself - Savages

Savages Blake Lively Taylor Kitsch Aaron Taylor Johnson

Oliver Stone's Savages is in no way a good film, but it's a fairly inoffensive, forgettable thriller, at least until its jaw-droppingly inane finale.

At the end of the film, protagonists Ophelia (Blake Lively), Chon (Taylor Kitsch), and Ben (Aaron Taylor-Johnson) are mortally wounded and decide to commit suicide together by taking a group overdose.

But after they die, the shot of their corpses suddenly turns sepia-toned and begins rewinding backwards through the last five minutes of the movie, revealing that this was nothing more than Ophelia's nightmarish daydream.

The remaining moments of the movie instead give the trio a far happier ending, and that's that.

Savages may not be a good film, but it at least seemed committed to a gritty, grim tone up to this point, only for the film to literally hit the rewind button and betray that mood completely. Terrible.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.