10 Most Disturbing Endings In Recent Horror Movies

3. Titane

The Hatching
Diaphana Distribution

As unsettling as Julia Ducournau's Raw was, it's fairly tame compared to the French filmmaker's follow-up, Titane.

In the prologue, young Alexia gets involved in a horrific car crash, which leaves her with a titanium implant in her skull. The incident also awakens something deep inside Alexei, causing her to develop a sexual attraction to automobiles. And when she's inexplicably impregnated by a car (don't ask), her whole life is turned upside down.

As harrowing as it is to see Alexia suffering physically and psychologically, nothing can compete with watching the birth itself. After going into labour, Alexei finds herself spurting motor oil from her mouth and breasts. As she dilates, the skin around her abdomen bursts open, exposing metal plating underneath. The way she flails in terror and agony while petrol and blood spews from her body is enough to rattle anyone.

With one final push, a steel-clad but healthy baby springs from Alexia's mutilated body. Tragically, the force of the push is so immense, the titanium in Alexia's skull ruptures, killing her.

Try sleeping after watching that nightmare-fuel.


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