10 Most Disturbing Horror Movie Endings
9. Oculus
Mike Flanagan has gone on to do incredible things for Netflix in the form of The Haunting of Hill House, as well as some more so-so things for the multiplex such as, er, last year’s belated Shining sequel/flop Doctor Sleep. But in 2013 he turned his attention to a haunted mirror and, armed with British starlet Karen Gillan as his leading lady, tried his hand at the “multiple merging timelines” trick which has become something of a trademark in his later work.
It’s a fun story, switching from the childhoods of siblings Kaylie and Tim to their present-day existence as they return to the house of their youth and try to clear Tim of his parents’ murder. You see, the haunted mirror tricked him into killing his parents, giving both himself and his father visions which drove them to madness and eventually murder.
This time though, Kaylie has planned everything out and will be proving her brother’s innocence whilst also destroying the mirror in the process. That is, unless the mirror gets up to its old tricks and manages to make Tim kill her by sending a spike, set up to smash the mirror, straight through her before it can hit the cursed surface.