10 Most Disturbing Horror Movie Endings
6. The Mist
It’s only fair to throw in this entry, since Frank Darabont’s
actually-pretty-solid adaptation of Stephen King novella The Mist is mostly
known for its incredible (and incredibly cruel) ending. The Shawshank
Redemption helmer must have felt his foray into King’s oeuvre was too cheery
when he decided to take on this slow-burning story of a town besieged by interdimensional
monsters in the titular mist.
When the townspeople hole up in a supermarket it’s only a matter of time before the classic Stephen King archetypes arise, and Mrs. Carmody the Token Religious Zealot soon whips herself up a mob and decides it’s time to sacrifice some fellow townsfolk to the eponymous weather irregularity.
Fortunately our heroes escape (well, most of them—there’s no knowing what happened to future Brooklyn 99 star Andre Braugher’s level-headed lawyer), and drive far, far away. However, upon realizing the mist extends far further than they imagined, exhausted dad Thomas Jane kills the two elderly tag-alongs, his love interest, and his own son—before running out of bullets.
So he runs out of the car and begs the monsters to end his suffering.
Which is when he sees the army clearing the mist and
saving survivors, just about two minutes too late.