10 Most Disturbing Saw Movie Traps

4. The Oxygen Crusher (Saw VI)

Saw trap

Life isn't fair. Sometimes someone you hate gets a promotion above you. Sometimes the guy you love turns out to be the literal worst. And sometimes you're forced to hold your breath to prevent a vice from crushing your ribcage.

That's the situation two men find themselves in Saw V. The twist is that one of the men is a heavy smoker, and only one of them will survive.

There's an elegance to this trap, despite its brutality, that's really striking, but the truly disturbing part isn't just how heavily the scales are tipped in the non-smokers favour, it's that the vice constricts with every breath either man takes, making it harder and harder for them to hold their breath.

This trap earns a spot on this list, despite being one of the least gory, because this guy knew from the start how slim his chances were. This was the execution of a (relatively) innocent man, in the name of proving a point.

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My name's Lewis, I'm an author (tragically) based in South Wales.