10 Most Disturbing Star Wars Characters

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Star Wars Cornelius Evazan
Marvel Comics

If Star Wars had a mirror universe then Triple-Zero would be C-3P0’s doppelganger. Like C-3P0, Triple Zero is a protocol droid. He's well-versed in the skills of translation, customs, and etiquette. Unlike C-3P0, Triple Zero is also proficient in the art of torture.

In fact, Triple-Zero is so effective that Darth Vader employed him as a torturer. Vader tasked him with procuring information from Imperial officers, and rebel scum alike. Triple-Zero had many former masters, but he had a nasty habit of draining them of their blood.

Triple-Zero was so dangerous that his personality matrix was stowed on a Quarantine planet for hundreds of years. A minion of Vader's discovered Triple-Zero and placed his matrix in a protocol droid. From then on he was probably the galaxy’s most unassuming sadist.

Triple-Zero often declined payment for his work. He claimed to take so much pleasure in torturing organic beings that he considered it payment enough.

Triple-Zero was also crucial in Vader’s hunt for his son Luke Skywalker. The droid forced a Naboo official to admit that Padme Amidala gave birth before she died. Triple-Zero then electroshocked the man to death. That wasn't part of his orders, he just had fun doing it.

Triple-Zero did, however, face some justice for his terrible deeds. In a failed attempt to kidnap Luke Skywalker, the droid had both his arms ripped off by Chewbacca, so way to go Chewy!

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John is a teacher and writer living in Texas. He spends far too much time watching Star Trek. Check out more if his work at artofnarrative.com