10 Most Disturbing Star Wars Moments

1. Anakin Butchers Some Younglings

Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker Palpatine Death

Rewinding a touch from the fire-infused fate rapidly heading Anakin Skywalker's way in Revenge of the Sith, and to a moment that all but erased any drop of sympathy that remained for the eventual Darth Vader in one swift switching on of a lightsaber.

Determined to showcase just how merciless and unwavering the newly turned Anakin had become in the wake of joining the side of Lord Sidious, George Lucas felt that the best way to hammer home this unsettling change in attitude was to have his focal point butcher a group of innocent younglings in the midst of the purging of the Jedi Temple.

Sure, we don't actually witness the culling of innocence in all its horror on the big screen - despite a scene depicting the act actually being in the pipeline at one point - but the solitary flinch from a terrified Jedi Initiate as Skywalker's iconic saber is switched on did enough to cement this moment as undoubtedly the most disturbing occurrence ever to grace a Star Wars showing.

Don't let Ewan McGregor's quivering face fool you, this despicable development and the off-screen carnage that followed was as diabolical as it comes.

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