10 Most Embarrassing DVD Commentaries Ever
9. Damon Lindelof Refuses To Accept He Ruined The Movie - Prometheus
If you've got two hours of your life to spare, the Prometheus commentary between original screenwriter Jon Spaihts and Damon Lindelof, who was hired to rework his script into the final product, makes for deliciously cringe-worthy viewing.
It's no secret that Spaihts' original script was decidedly more interesting before Lindelof came in and tinkered around with it, and the commentary perfectly reflects the creative bristling between the two.
Spaihts spends much of the commentary explaining how his original script would've sewn up various plot holes, while Lindelof flatly admits several times that he is, in his own words, "a very pretentious person."
Lindelof additionally offers up half-baked explanations for many of the movie's most divisive moments, ultimately telling his nay-sayers, "If you hated the movie, again, I apologise. And hopefully this made you hate me even more."
One imagines Fox knew exactly what they were doing when they sat these two together for this commentary. At least both Spaihts and Lindelof agreed that casting Guy Pearce to play an old man was a major mistake.