10 Most Embarrassing Movie Uncles

2. Buck - Uncle Buck (1989)

Where does he live? In the city. Does he own a house? Nope, he rents an apartment. What does he do for a living? Lots of things. Where's his office? He doesn't have one. He doesn't need one. Does he have a wife? Nope, he doesn't have one (it's a long story). Does he have kids? No he doesn't (it's an even longer story). Uncle Buck is about the misadventures of Buck Russell (played by John Candy), a cheerful, unrefined man taking care of his nieces and nephew (Tia, Miles, and Maizy) for a few weeks in the suburbs. Buck is a man who routinely gets to the point as he disrupts the status quo (intentionally or not). Despite being initially embarrassing to his nieces and nephews they soon grow to love the guy. Buck is a man all of us know and love. With his quick wit, snappy one liners and ability to win over moody teenagers, Buck showed kids of the 80s how cool (yet uncool) an uncle could be. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ghQOllvR2cE

Jesse Gumbarge is editor and chief blogger at JarvisCity.com - He loves old-school horror films and starting pointless debates. You can reach out at: JesseGumbarge@JarvisCity.com