10 Most Emotionally Devastating Movie Moments Of 2015

1. The Good Dinosaur

Why do cartoons, purportedly aimed at wee little children, always seek to destroy the souls of any adults in the audience? Seriously, what's the explanation for this? Is it some kind of sick joke for the filmmakers, wrecking parents who were kind enough to take their kids to the movies? Anyways, as with any Disney movie worth its salt, The Good Dinosaur features a child (in this case an Apotosaurus named Arlo) having to mourn the death of his recently-departed dad. It's a rather brutal death, too, because of course it is. That part is mostly expected from a Disney film, though. A tad less expected is Arlo reuniting with his father, in spirt at least, at the film's end. When his "Poppa" appears to him as a ghost, passing on a few wise words and a touching farewell, the hope builds in your chest that maybe this story will end with Arlo being followed around by his fatherly ghost for the rest of his life. Instead, the words "You're me... and more" are the last we - and Arlo - hear from Poppa. Cue the heaving sobs. What was the emotional 2015 movie moment that hit you hardest? Share it down in the comments.

Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.