10 Most Evil Star Wars Characters Who Aren't Sith

7. Dryden Vos

Mandalorian Season 2 Moff Gideon

In the Star Wars universe, most villains make no attempt to hide their immoral side. But the Crimson Dawn's supposed leader, Dryden Vos, is a different kind of baddie. This crime boss is charming, witty, charismatic, and mannerly. He's the kind of guy you can have a drink and a laugh with. Instead of hiding in a dank lair or a lava-filled planet, you can find him partying with his subjects, surrounded by opulence.

But because of his outward persona, many don't realise what a psychopath Dryden is when they first meet him. Although he acts nice to his lackeys, they are not his friends. In his eyes, they are cattle.

The demented leader highlights this fact by branding his employees with the Crimson Dawn logo to prove their unwavering loyalty to him. Dryden may be all smiles when he hears what he wants, but the instant someone questions him, his relaxed demeanour dissolves, and his ruthless side erupts.

When you have something to offer, Dryden is your bosom buddy. But the moment you have served your purpose, he will dispose of you in a heartbeat.

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