10 Most Exciting Women Working in Film Today

5. Lynne Ramsay

Key Work: We Need To Talk About Kevin Most Recent/ Upcoming Project: Mobius Now we move closer to home- Chances are you've seen We Need to Talk About Kevin, a terrifying and unnerving film that's a little hard to describe- it'll be talked about for years to come, and the lack of major awards it got is shameful but also to be expected. Ramsay has balls- she takes risks and creates incredible films. There are few brit directors out there now to match her in terms of excellence, thoughtfulness and provocation. When you watch a Lynne Ramsay film, you watch something different. And her next, Mobius, a loose adaptation of by Dick (but in space, which makes any idea that much better), seems unlikely to stray from a very successful formula.
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Aspiring Director, Screenwriter and Actor. Film is my passion, but I indulge in TV, Theatre and Literature as well! Any comments or suggestions, please tweet me @IAmOscarHarding