10 Most Expensive DELETED Movie Scenes Ever

5. X-Men: Days Of Future Past's Rogue Scenes Cost...At Least $5 Million

X-Men Days Of Future Past Rogue Wolverine
20th Century Fox

X-Men: Days of Future Past had the unenviable task of trying to do a solid service to an massive roster of mutants, given that the movie's time-jumping narrative united the older mainline heroes with their younger counterparts.

This resulted in director Bryan Singer having to make some judicious cuts to bring the film down to a manageable 131 minutes, and the major casualty of his scissors was X-Men mainstay Rogue (Anna Paquin).

Rogue appears in the theatrical cut of the film for literally seconds during its epilogue, but Paquin actually spent five days shooting a more elaborate sequence where she is broken out of captivity and takes up Kitty Pryde's (Ellen Page) place as the facilitator of Wolverine's (Hugh Jackman) time travel.

Singer ultimately felt that the sequence was "extraneous" and so eliminated it during editing. Given that Paquin's scenes accounted for five of the film's 126-day shoot, we can generously estimate that they cost at least $5 million of the stonking $220 million budget.

These scenes were eventually included in the film's "Rogue Cut" on home video over a year later, and to her credit, Paquin seems relatively pragmatic about having 98% of her screen time cut.

She said, "I got to hang out with my friends for five days in Montreal, see people I've known for two decades, and go play. Did it end up in the movie? No. Well, it was fun anyway."


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.