10 Most Expensive DELETED Movie Scenes Ever

3. Superman Returns' Original Krypton Opening Cost...$10 Million

Superman Returns
Warner Bros

Bryan Singer strikes again, this time making the millions spent on Rogue's missing footage seem like mere chump change.

For Superman Returns, Singer originally shot a totally different opening sequence, an eerie and near-wordless depiction of Superman (Brandon Routh) exploring the remnants of Krypton.

Despite being utterly slathered in high-quality CGI and costing a reported $10 million, the six-minute sequence was ultimately thrown out, likely because it didn't exactly give the quasi-reboot an energetic intro for popcorn-gobbling audiences to enjoy.

On its own merits, though, it's certainly an interesting, ominous sequence, even if it's also easy to appreciate why the studio perhaps wanted something a little peppier, especially with a massive $223 million budget at stake.

Even so, the film was still a disappointment at the box office, failing to cross the $400 million mark worldwide.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.