10 Most Harrowing Opening Scenes In Horror Movies

8. A Quiet Place (2018)

brightened broken leg it follows
Paramount Pictures

Set in a world where humanity has all but been wiped out by creatures that hunt by sound, A Quiet Place follows one family's struggle to survive in the aftermath of a tragedy.

There's plenty of heart-stopping moments of terror to be found here where the slightest sound can result in catastrophe. However, it's the family's heartfelt and emotional tale at the heart of the script which makes A Quiet Place an exceptional piece of modern horror.

Director and co-writer John Krasinski throws viewers straight into this silent world right from the start as we see the family carefully searching for supplies. The audience knows that sound is dangerous, though it's not yet clear why. When the youngest child takes batteries for a toy despite a warning from his father, we know something terrible is soon to follow.

Unbeknownst to the others, the child has activated the toy as they walk home. Its sirens cut through the stillness as his father tries to stop him.

But it's too late. He's snatched by one of the creatures in a blink, leaving viewers and his family stunned by the suddenness of the event they've just witnessed and won't soon forget.


Glasgow-based cinephile who earned a Masters degree in film studies to spend their time writing about cinema, video games, and horror.